The weather this weekend reminded me of the Easter story. Good Friday was a overcast, gloomy day. All day long my thoughts went to the horrible brutality that Christ would suffer...and that He paid it all for me. Then Saturday was a rainy, cold day...a day where Jesus was dead and in the tomb. It's almost like heaven was raining down tears. And today on Resurrection Sunday, it was perfect weather...bright and sunny. Such a great analogy!
So this weekend was not our best. We went to church Saturday night. Taylor and I were eating our late night bowl of cereal just before bed, and she started throwing up. In fact, she threw up multiple times throughout the night. And she's been battling a fever too. My poor baby has been slower and not her bright, cheery self. Even though she's under the weather, she thoroughly enjoyed searching for Easter eggs this morning. She had 40 to find and loved the outdoor adventure.
Landon enjoyed eating the M&Ms found inside the eggs. Although he didn't participate in the egg hunt, he helped sister play with the eggs and eat the candies. Next year will be really fun when they can do it together. This afternoon we headed over to Hank's Oma's house for a yummy dinner. We all ate like kings and queens and weren't shy about getting seconds. Taylor still wasn't feeling great, but she was happy to see her grandpa, grandpa Joe and Oma. Grandma Carol seems to have caught the flu bug too. No fun!
Since Taylor has the week off from school, I was planning on working on some hard-core potty training. But with her sick and all, that will have to be pushed back a bit. She got really cute Elmo underwear in her Easter basket this morning, and I've been talking up the fact that she's going to be a big girl wearing them. Oh well, no rush...I still have 4 more months to get this done :-)
Here is a really cute video clip of this morning. Enjoy!