The uphill battle with Taylor and naptime may have been won...or at least a truce has been set. As a mother of three, I have learned to handle just about anything. However, naptime drives me insane. I was just thinking last week, at what age will she not fight us to go to sleep...age 3 or 4? The difficulties of getting a kid to sleep sucks every ounce of energy out of me.
In addition to being sucked of energy and my patience being tested to the max, I was getting angry at Taylor and spanking her more often than not. I didn't like that and knew something had to change. So this week I asked God to help me deal with my high-energy, independent and strong-willed child.
Saturday, Sunday and Monday, Taylor did not take a nap. She laid in her room, played and talked to herself for about two hours each day. I was thinking, "Great, is she already outgrowing her nap...she's not even three yet!" I seriously thought I might go insane if that were the case.
Well, this week I had a bright idea. Something I didn't consider in the past because I thought Taylor was too young and couldn't manage herself. Once again, I was wrong. On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, I told Taylor that she didn't have to nap, but she did have to take a two-hour quiet time. I knew that she would most likely fall asleep, but giving her that option took out the battle of wills. My only rules were that she needed to be quiet (the kid likes to talk to herself and loudly might I add) and she needed to stay in her bed. I put a few books in bed with her and told her she could read until she got tired, but once she was tired she needed to put herself to sleep and NOT call out for mommy to do it.
The first day, she did jump out of bed once, but when I went to check on her, she was snuggling with her favorite blanket and laying in her bed. I was just amazed that this technique worked for one day. One day without a fight at naptime was HUGE. Now I can report that she has had three days in a row with putting herself to sleep when she is ready. Can I get a woot woot!
I think part of our "issue" with Taylor has been a battle of the wills and also she would get all worked up before naptime and it makes it even harder for her to fall asleep riled up...not to mention that she would throw a huge fit and wake up her brothers from their nap and that would make for one very unhappy mother.
Landon on the other hand goes to bed fairly easy. This week though, he did try to jump out of his crib. Hitting the hard floor taught him a valuable lesson: Don't do that ever again. Since then, he hasn't tried to be superman again. Thank God! I don't want to start up the naptime battle with him.